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Red Prairie Storms Rolling In DS


Call name: "Storm"

DOB: 09/28/2022

Weight: 60 #

Height: 22 in

k9data Pedigree





Breeder: Kourtney Haddix

Owner: Kourtney Haddix


CHIC Number:

Hip clearance: OFA GR-147426E24M-P-VPI

Eye clearance: OFA GR-EYE30743/18M-VPI

Heart clearance: OFA GR-ACA10649/19M-PI

Elbow clearance: OFA GR-EL67209M24-P-VPI



prcd-PRA status: Paw Print 338935 Clear

PRA1 status: Paw Print 338935 Clear

PRA2 status: Paw Print 338935 Clear

Ichthyosis status: Paw Print ICH 1 & 2 338935 Clear

DM status: Paw Print 338935 Clear

NCL status: Clear 338935 Paw Print


Storm is a puppy we produced here! He is a high energy, 60# male that loves to train and work. He is happy about anything and everything with a natural born confidence. He has so far excelled at every venue he has been introduced to and could go in any direction. Storm is competing in AKC and HRC hunt tests, he has 3 HR tests. He has also been introduced to dock diving and earned his DS (dock senior) his first time jumping! We are excited to see what avenues this guy takes. 


Titles that Storm currently holds

CGC (canine good citizen)

TKN (trick dog novice)

 DS (dock senior)

FITB (fit dog)

VHMA (virtual home manners adult)

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Wyoming Sky Red Prairie LLC

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